Cintra HR & Payroll Services

‘Dave Algeo returned to our Annual Conference this year and shared his ‘Are you Sweating the Right Sprouts?’ Session with our 150 strong audience.  He went down a storm, sharing practical tips in a fun and memorable way.  Comments from delegates included:

"LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT! Energised and fun!, “Excellent! Will take this back to the workplace” and “Loved this. Engaging and thought provoking. Made me think about how I can look after myself”

I would have no hesitation in recommending Dave as a speaker for your event or conference." 

Carsten Staehr, Chief Executive

Previous testimonial:

“We pride ourselves on giving our clients a supportive, friendly and professional service. Our annual conferences, in particular, allow us to offer our customers a chance to network, share best practice and learn. We asked Dave Algeo, Stress(ed) Guru, to present his ‘Stress CPR’ showcase to over 100 delegates at our 2015 conference. We recognise that stress and the need to develop a tool-kit of tactics to develop resilience within teams is vital to success. Dave went down a storm! He provided a hugely engaging session, combining great strategies, tips and tactics, with humour, creative delivery styles and a down to earth practical approach which resonated with our audience.

I have no hesitation in recommending Dave for your conference and I know several of our clients are keen to engage Dave to run some bespoke workshops within their own organisations to achieve success and enhance well-being.